Modern Times In Depth

All about the process, the vision and the meaning of Modern Times, as seen by us and those who see our work.

Modern Times and Interculturalism – Ric Knowles writes

Ric Knowles has worked as a dramaturge for Modern Times’ productions on several occasions. The following is an excerpt from his forthcoming book on interculturalism in the Toronto theatre scene, in which he uses Modern Times as one of his case studies. “Modern Times” is perhaps a surprising name for a theatre company whose popular reputation, …

Modern Times and Interculturalism – Ric Knowles writes Read More »

Why Are We Here? Angelika Bertzold writes about ‘Forgiveness’

By Angelika Bertzold “The history of forgiveness found its end in Auschwitz”, wrote the French philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch. This is a very strong, yet by no means simplistic statement, expressed and explained within a philosophical structure that seems to be the right place to reflect on subjects such as “forgiveness”. So given that philosophy or …

Why Are We Here? Angelika Bertzold writes about ‘Forgiveness’ Read More »

Our Aesthetic

At the beginnings of the company, Soheil looked at different theatrical styles—some Middle Eastern and some Western–and explored them in the context of an established script.  Although it involved experimentation with different forms of theatre, we were never interested in completely challenging the audience-actor relationship…